
If you are looking for quality leather cases and bags made with care and attention from the best available materials using traditional tools and techniques, then you have come to the right place.

I take pride in providing beautiful, practical and high quality items which I make to last and give satisfaction for years. My speciality is in saddlery-style robust products, utilising vegetable pit tanned bridle leather sourced from English tanneries but I also work in a wide variety of other leathers depending on my customers’ requirements. My brass fittings are mainly from Italy and the briefcase locks are made in the UK, Italy and Switzerland.

As you can see from the site, most of what I do entails making bespoke, unique items for individual customers. Please do get in touch for a courteous and personal service.

My working practices are environmentally friendly, from what comes in the workshop door to what goes out of it: the distance the leather travels, virtually no use of chemicals (a minimum of glue or dye only) and waste management – almost all of which I donate to a charity which reuses it for children’s play and educational materials (please visit http://www.childrensscrapstore.co.uk/).

My work has received a commendation from the Guild of Master Craftsmen.

You can see me in the full version of the video, with sound, on You Tube.

To discover more about traditional English bridle leather, its manufacture and qualities, you can visit the following tannery websites:


